Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Sing in The Midnight

I'm sailing in my dream, there I see you smiling
You wear black skirt I wear blue dress
Then we’re walking together

Go around, see the party
We’re dancing, we’re singing
We have a dinner then we saw the movie,
You give me a tone, you sing in a blue
 Then you said some word but it's quite slow 
 I hear but not surely, 
You said ”I miss U"
What kind of this fuckin’ feeling?

Nightlight is shining sharply
Something’s fallen into me
Wake me up from this fuckin’ dreaming
Then I cried, then I can’t sleeping

How can it just dreaming?
When Its like so much real
You give me stars, you give me rainbow
You give me smile in my dream but then make me cryin’truly

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