Selasa, 22 Mei 2012


Sometimes I feel that I can (be), but I cant
Sometimes I want to do, but you know, I cant
Sometimes I feel that Im lucky but Im not
Sometimes I think life is easy but itsn
Sometimes I want to act like you, but I cant
Sometimes I think I can be like you, but I cant
Sometimes I think Im something, but Im not
Sometimes I feel 'ok to be like this, but hurt inside
Sometimes... sometimes...
no matter its hard to understand, this 'sometimes' come
more than 'anytimes'

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

Goes to Kawah Putih

Assalamualaikum, how come girls? I think all off you have a really good day in thiz Sunday :)

Heiya girls, I remember when I went to Bandung. I went to Kawah Putih. Maybe some of you have never heard about this place. There, I take some pict, I wanna share with you for your traveling reference. Check tiz out!

(Shoping Area)

(Love Stone)

(You look so weird, babe. :p )

That's all, ta' and see ya :D



Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

Bizarre Love Triangle Lyric

This is it, Bizarre Love Triangle lyrics. It's really simple but good song. You may also download this song here.

Every time I think of you
I get a shot right through
Into a bolt of blue
It's no problem of mine
But it's a problem I find
Living the life that I can't leave behind
There's no sense in telling me
The wisdom of a fool won't set you free
But that's the way that it goes
And it's what nobody knows
And every day my confusion grows
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for the final moment
You say the words that I can't say
I feel fine and I feel good
I feel like I never should
Whenever I get this way
I just don't know what to say
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday
I'm not sure what this could mean
I don't think you're what you seem
I do admit to myself
That if I hurt someone else
Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for the final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say
Every time I see you falling
I'll get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for the final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say

Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

Di Ujung Jalan Sana (Opening)

erjalan, tanpa arah. Lurus meski terkadang nengok. Terus meski aku nggak tau akan kemana. Tak berhenti meski aku nggak tau sampai kapan. Namun, aku tetap menikmati, aku tetap berjalan. Mungkin di ujung jalan sana aku akan menemukannya.
Dulu, aku selalu berpikir semuanya mudah. Sampai-sampai aku nggak tahu bagaimana caranya untuk hidup susah. Nggak tau cara untuk menangis. Nggak tau cara untuk berjuang. Sampai suatu saat aku terjatuh, aku nggak tau cara untuk bangkit. Bagaimana hidup nggak selalu mulus, nggak selalu indah kaya film-film di telivisi, pada akhirnya Tuhan mengajariku. Ya, memang kadang kamu harus merasakan nikmatnya memiliki dan pedihnya kehilangan.


Saat aku berjalan tanpa arah, aku memang nggak pernah tau dimana jalan ini akan berujung. Aku membuang beribu waktu untuk kesenangan, yang aku dapat tanpa usaha. Ya, aku nggak pernah ngrasa sakit sedikitpun. Karena semua yang aku inginkan bisa aku miliki. Tapi tidak untuk satu tahun berikutnya. 

Mungkin hanya sampai besok, lusa, atau tahun depan, kalau Tuhan berbaik hati, aku bisa merasakan indahnya memiliki. Menyayangi yang utuh. Tertawa yang bahagia. Kalau Dia mengijinkan, aku ingin merasakannya dua tahun lagi. Tapi mungkin nggak bisa. Pagi ini adalah pagi di hari ke 15 bulan Januari. Dokter bilang, mungkin pagi ke 1 di bulan Februari, aku sudah nggak bisa merasakan sejuk embunnya. Di sana, jalan itu berujung. Memiliki hanya akan menjadi kenangan. Dalam mimpi yang abadi aku akan mengingatnya, atau mungkin juga melupakannya. Nanti, di tempat yang berbeda, sangat berbeda, aku akan melihat dia dan mereka menangis. Saat itu, aku akan memiliki sebuah yang menyedihkan, yang kau sebut ‘kehilangan’.


Kamis, 10 Mei 2012


Concentration can be defined as focusing in one things. Seems it is simple, but in fact, it is difficult to get our concentration.  We all have the ability to concentrate some of the time. But at other times our thoughts are scattered, and our minds race from one thing to another. To deal with such times, we need to learn and practice concentration skills and strategies. To concentrate, we have to learn a skill, and as with any skill this means practice repeated day after day until we achieve enough improvement to feel that we can concentrate when we need to.

1.      Commitment
We need to make a personal commitment to put in the effort needed to do the task in the way which we realistically plan to do it. If we just play at it in a half-heated manner then it is much more difficult to take the task and ourselves seriously.

2.      Enthusiasm
If we are interested in the task and enjoy doing it, then we find it easy to motivate ourselves to start. Once started, our feelings of involvement in the activity keep us going - we want to do it.

3.      Skill
Knowing how to do something gives confidence that our efforts will be successful, so we don't have to deal with anxiety about will this work or not. Anxiety tends to impair concentration.

4.      Our emotional & physical state
When we are in good physical condition - i.e. feeling rested, relaxed and comfortable - and our emotions are calm and benevolent, then we tend to be positive about things. This in turn raises self-esteem, which makes us more able to concentrate, if only because we don't have to worry about how awful we are or life is.

5.      Our psychological state
For example, if we are in an obsessional or distracted state our thoughts are per-occupied, leaving little mental space to think about anything else.

6.      Environment
It is much more difficult to concentrate if our surroundings keep intruding on our awareness, perhaps because it is noisy, too hot or too cold, the furniture is uncomfortable or the people around us are stressing out.

How to increase our ability to concentrate?
People sometimes refer to a concentration span : this is the time we can concentrate on a specific task before our thoughts wander. In learning concentration skills, we aim to extend our concentration span - bearing in mind that we will have a different span for different tasks. It cannot be expanded to infinity! Most people find their level for most tasks round about an hour, but for some people and some tasks it will just be a few minutes, while for others it might be two or three hours.
The main barriers to concentrating are boredom, anxiety and day-dreaming. Thus in improving our concentration skills we need to counteract these barriers. The following three skills are basic to concentration: if you want to improve your concentration, start by practicing them. They will be followed by further strategies which will allow you to build onto the basic skills.

1. STOP!!!
This sounds very simple, but it works. When you notice your thoughts wandering, say to yourself STOP and then gently bring your attention back to where you want it to be. Each time it wanders bring it back. To begin with, this could be several times a minute. But each time, say STOP and then re-focus. Don't waste energy trying to keep thoughts out of your mind (forbidden thoughts attract like a magnet!), just put the effort into STOP and re-focus.
To begin with you will do this hundreds of times a week. But you will find that the period of time between your straying thoughts gets a little longer each day, so be patient and keep at it.

2. Attending
This is about maintaining concentration and not giving in to distractions. It could be described as a sort of tunnel-vision, or as being focused: you keep your concentration on what is in front of you. If you are distracted, use the STOP technique to regain concentration. You can practice attending in many situations:
  • eg. in a lecture, if people move or cough, ignore them, don't look at them, actively exclude them from the link or tunnel formed between you and the lecturer.
  • eg. in a social situation, keep your attention solely on one person - what they say, how they look etc. - and ignore what is going on round about.
3. Worry time
Set aside one or more specific periods in the day when you are allowed to worry. It can help to set them just before something that you know you will do, to ensure that you stop worrying on time - e.g. before a favorite TV program, or a meal-time. Whenever an anxiety or distracting thought enters your mind during the day, banish it until your next worry time, and re-focus on to what you are supposed to be doing. Some people find it helpful to write down the banished thought: it is easier to banish a thought if you are sure you won't have forgotten it when you get to your worry time. It is important that you keep your worry time(s), and make yourself worry for the full time. If you find that you can't fill the time available, then make a conscious decision to reduce it.
You may notice, particularly if you keep a list, that certain things keep reappearing: this is a fairly clear indication that you need to do something about them.

4. Active Learning
Everyone has their own distinct learning style. Some learn by reading and then asking themselves questions, others learn by making condensed notes and memorizing them, others learn by the associations they make to the material, and yet others retain a pictorial image of the material. Once you know your learning style, organize the material to suit it: if you don't, learning will be more of a struggle than it need be and your concentration will suffer. Having your own learning style involves having your own internal 'language': briefly, this means the words you use to translate and understand the material so that it has meaning for you. If you don't know how you learn best, try to analyze your experience either with someone who knows how you work, or with someone with expertise in this area.

Galau-galau Gue

Buka Ms. Word nggak tau mau ngapain :D

Corat coret aja kali ya? Hemmmm, yes yes yes, dapet ide! #gue stress. Ini yang lagi booming yaitu GALAU. Kenapa??? Kenapaaaa??? Kenapa harus gue??? Nangis-nangis = GALAU. Jalan-jalan, pasang headset, dengerin lagu galau, ngelamun. Ada tukang mie ayam, nggak tau kenapa, nggak laper, berenti aja, pesen 2 mangkok plus 1 es jeruk, makan sambil ngelamun, sadar2 kepedesan, masukin saos kebanyakan. KENAPA?? Kenapaa harus gue?? Galau lagi. Udah selese makan, bayar, cabut. Ada tukang somay, beli lagi. Makan sambil jalan. Haus dehh, nyari minum, jalan lagi. Nyeberang jalan, nggak liat kanan kiri, tiba2 ada supir angkot yang ngomel, “Hehh mba, kalo jalan pake MATA!!!” Nengok bentar, jalan lagi. Duduk2 di kursi taman, nangis, selese nangis cabut lagi, jalan lagi. Sadar2, tengok kanan-kiri, GUE ada dimanaaa??? Hahaha

Lagi lagi lagi, iya iya, sabarrrrrrrr. 

Fakta lagi tentang orang galau, dari A sampe Z. Yang ini GUE nggak termasuk. Dateng ke kelas dengan muka berantakan (pake lipstik dulu baru pake bedak) dan baju nggak mecing, cari kursi paling pojok, buka buku, tutup ke muka, tidurrrrrr (nggak tidur semaleman gara2 nangis). Ada juga yang uring2n nggak jelas, ngomel2. Ada lagi, dateng2, mojok di kelas, jongkok, nangis. 

Nggak cuman disitu, kemaren saya dan adik saya jalan2 ke gamezone. Ada mainan yang paling saya suka, KARAOKE. Dengan hati galau, sayanya masuk. Di tangan ada 18 koin. Duduk, nyari2 lagu, nyanyi2, tereak2, jingkrak2. Lama2 nggak tau kenapa ni koin abis. Beli lagi. Nyanyi2 lagi, beberapa puluh menit kemudian ada orang yang ngetok2 pintunya. Mukanya agak gimana gitu. Saya liat keluar, bussyeeeetdah, ternyata eh ternyata udah banyak banget yang ngantri daritadi. 5 menit lagi saya di situ mungkin bakal udah dirobohin tuh mainan. Hahaha

Aduhhh, kalo udah GALAU emang ruwet. Nggak ada toleransi buat orang lain. Dia pengen ya dia lakuin. seringnya malah jadi kaya orang bego :o

Makasihh deh yang udah baca catetan nggak jelas ini, peluk sayang jauhhhhh :D

Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

Waktu aku tau apa itu sakit :)

Dear diary,

Malem ini malem minggu, seperti biasa saya selalu galau. Nggak tau kenapa sekarang, waktu sayah nulis ini, benar2 saya sedang menangis (lagi).

Udah beberapa hari saya sakit, badan panas, pusing, sakit kepala, herpes, komplikasi flu batuk, ya mudah2n cuma itu. Sayah hari ini nangis bukan karena itu, beneran, tapi karena 2 hal. Pertama karena denger dia marah2 padahal akunya lagi tepar lemah di tempat tidur. Boy, akunya pengen diajakin ngobrol, diajakin cerita ini itu, bukan dimarah2n. Ya, walaupun sayah tau dia marah2 karena kawatir sama sayah. Akhirnya akunya nangis, nd dia tetep marah. Tapi pas dia tau akunya nangis, dia langsung nggak marah lagi. Sayah cuma sedih sama perasaannya yang sebegitunya, bukan apa2, kalo nanti akunya pergi, takut bakal terjadi sesuatu yang buruk sama dia. 

Yang kedua saya nangis dan bener2 nangis waktu denger dia juga sakit, dadanya sesak, badanya gatal semua, alergi apa? Kenapa dadanya sesak? Biarin saya aja, biar sekalian, nggak usah dia sakit2 juga, ya Alloh. “apa kamu juga ngrasain gitu waktu kemarin2 denger akunya sakit? Kamu juga sedih kaya aku? Makanya kamu marah gara2 aku nggak makan, aku nggak mau ke dokter, aku nggak mau minum obat? “

Cuma satu, makasih. Makasih sayang. Let me love you more, but please not to love me more. :’)

_Doaku malam ini_
Tuhan, jika kau ijinkanku hidup bersamanya kelak
Tuntunlah kami agar sampai ke saat yang tepat
Muliakan hidup kami
Beri kami makan yang cukup,
Cinta yang cukup,
Bahagia yang cukup.
Juga, jika kau tak mengijinkan ku bersamanya kelak,
Tetaplah tuntun kami
Muliakan hidup kami
Beri kami makan yang cukup,
Cinta yang cukup,
Bahagia yang cukup.
Walau di tempat yang berbeda,
Dia, sebagai orang yang pernah memiliki
Bukan separuh, tapi seluruh hidupku...

 with love,


Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Cara Membuat Blog

Selamat Siang viewers,

Sebenernya lagi disuruh istirahat, badan nggak enak, tapi BT tiduran doank. Jadi ya sayah sempetin ngepost. Heheheh...

Ini post pesenan temen saya tentang cara bikin blog, ya berbagi ilmu aja, semoga bermanfaat. Cara untuk membuat blog, sebenernya nggak cuma bisa lewat blogspot ( aja, banyak cara lain seperti lewat WordPress.  Di post kali ini saya mau berbagi cara bikin blog lewat blogger. Oke, chekidottttt!
    1. Sebelum bikin blog, pastiin dulu kalian punya alamat email yang valid. 
    2. Langkah selanjutnya, buka halaman sehingga muncul gambar seperti di bawah ini.
    Klik tombol Get started untuk memulai membuat blog.
    3. Selanjutnya akan muncul halaman berikut. Lengkapi form nya seperti contoh.
    Setelah semua terisi penuh, klik tombol Lanjutkan.

    4. Berikutnya akan muncul halaman berikut:

    Isi nama blog dan alamat blog kalian. Jangan gunakan spasi pada alamat blog, karena blogspot tidak bisa menggunakan spasi, kalian bisa menggunakan tanda (-) untuk memisahkannya. Contoh pengisiannya perhatikan gambar di atas.

    Terkadang alamat blog yang kita tulis sudah pakai oleh orang lain, kalo udah dipakai orang lain berati nggak bisa digunain lagi. Biar tahu udah dipakai orang lain atau belum Klik aja tombol “cek ketersediaan” jika belum dipakai orang lain, maka di bawahnya akan muncul tulisan warna hijau yang bertuliskan Alamat blog ini tersedia
    Kalo udah selesai menentukan judul dan alamat blog, silahkan klik tombol lanjutkan.

    5. Setelah itu akan muncul halaman pemilihan template blog. Template blog ini hanya sementara dan bisa kalian ubah nanti.

    6. Pilihlah salah satu, abis itu klik tombol Lanjutkan.

    Jadi dehh blog kamu yang masih perawan. Ooopps, maksudnya masih kosong belum ada isinya. Buat mulai bikin artikel atau mengedit blog, kalian bisa mengkil tombol Mulai Blogging.
    Udahh itu aja, gampang kan? See ya next posted. Thanks for coming ^_^.